Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit.
Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit.
Product components DAS ELISA KIT Myrobalan Latent Ringspot Virus Capture polyclonal – conjugate polyclonal - positive and negative controls 500 tests code: K-23B 1000 tests code: K-23A
Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit.
Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit.
Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit.
Nanovirus. Detected in pea crops in Austria, Germany and Netherlands. Other members of the legume family are probably also susceptible. Assay Type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit Host range: aphid -transmitted