Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit. The antiserum is derived against AG 1-IB, but detects other anastomosegroups as well.
Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit.
This Plant RNA Kit is specially optimized for the extraction and purification of RNA from plant material (leaves, stems, roots, flowers).
The tapes are suitable for 96 well plate formates (Greiner, Nunc etc.) and can be used several times.
Assay type: TAS ELISA using polyclonal and monoclonal antisera.
Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit for testing SMV in plant leaves.
Assay type: DAS ELISA using polyclonal antiserum from rabbit. For the detection of SqMV in plant leaves.